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Creative Meetings and Events

Exciting online experiences - Host 10 to 10,000 people in live streaming events and meetings that bring a seamless visual experience to your virtual event, and real energy.


Live video and audio is impactful when people look merged together in a single visual environment. Layers of imagery combined into more creative streaming events.


Presenters that can see the entire person, use body language to express more, and bring more spontaneity to the moment, a higher energy.


Excitement comes from getting OUT of ‘boxes’ or zoom calls with sitting faces. Put presenters in visual experiences that are unlimited in style and possibilities.


Full body capture allows you to create any type of live streaming experience, in a virtual presentation. Add live confetti, fog and live special effects for real surprise moments.
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Virtual Event Apps

Create exciting experiences with TLC virtual event technology platforms. Customized livestream app for event planners and event attendees, live stream events, connecting attendees, presenters, and sponsors. Virtual trade shows, analytics, networking, +

May 31, 2020

Surprise Experiences with Holographic Displays

Holographic Displays Holographic displays from TLC Creative – a new era in dimensional video is creating real excitement. See for yourself, 3D displays that dazzle. Create […]
March 7, 2020

More Exciting Virtual Events

A Better Visual Experience New technology live streaming that makes better experiences for professional presentations. TLC offers this unique system to present Virtual Global Stage merging […]